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Dealing With the Thorny Burden of ‘Ilzaam’ in Urdu Poetry

Dealing With the Thorny Burden of ‘Ilzaam’ in Urdu Poetry

Through the verses of renowned poets like Sahir Ludhianvi, we'll traverse the emotional landscape of 'Ilzaam'.

In this episode of Urdunama, Fabeha Syed unfurls the intricate layers of the Urdu word 'Ilzaam', meaning 'blame' or 'accusation'. It's a word that carries a weight of suspicion, hurt, and sometimes even injustice.

Fabeha opens the episode with a personal anecdote, recalling a familiar scene — her mother's accusing gaze as a misplaced winter scarf sparks a flurry of 'Ilzaam'. This relatable moment sets the stage for a deeper exploration of how 'Ilzaam' manifests in our lives and takes on different forms in the world of Urdu poetry.

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The Quint's Newsletter
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