The Quint's Newsletter
It is Our Ability to 'Shak' That Makes Us Human

It is Our Ability to 'Shak' That Makes Us Human

The fact that we can doubt and question things around us makes us human.

This episode of Urdunama starts with "I think, therefore I am", a quote by French philosopher René Descartes, and how the fact that we can doubt and question things around us makes us human.

Join Fabeha Syed as she delves into the poetic realms of Zubair Ali Tabish, Gulzar, and Javed Akhtar, whose verses resonate with the echoes of shak’, doubt, and inquiry, unveiling the depths of our inquisitive nature.

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The Quint's Newsletter
Bollywood songs turn us all into Grammy award-winning bathroom singers! But wait, do you know the meaning of every word you sing? Especially the ones in Urdu? On Urdunama, our host Fabeha Syed takes one word at a time and breaks it down for you.
Be it the protest poetry of Faiz, or Sameer's 90s nostalgia, we have it all. If you like Urdu and poetry, this podcast is for you!